April Challenges (April Love 2021)

April, with its robust arrival of spring, is a good time to challenge myself. A few years ago, I took on a fitness challenge and added in an extra mile of walking each day in April. That lasted throughout the year, and it’s carried over to today—I still try to walk an extra mile when I can.

But one can only do so many steps in a day, so this year, I’m doing something different. I’m participating in the April Love 2021 challenge, inspired by Susannah Conway. The challenge is both simple and complex, at least for me: “a very gentle photo challenge to help bring creative mindfulness to our days.” I’m notorious for forgetting to stop and smell the flowers, so I thought this task would force me to appreciate my surroundings, my ability to be creative in a way that’s different from writing.

I’m posting the image Susannah shared of the image prompts on her site so I have something to come back to each day, but I’ll only be posting my pictures over at Instagram. You can find me there at @cmconsolino.

If you join the challenge, be sure to tag your photos using the #AprilLove2021 hashtag. Enjoy!

Image of April Love Prompts (a list from 1 to 30) starting with 1. Yellow and ending with 30. Thank you for by Susannah Conway at susannahconway.com.


  1. S. B. House on April 1, 2021 at 9:40 am

    Love this challenge… if I was still on Instagram I would join you!! Tempted to use these as daily writing prompts. I’m getting in the mood to do some flash fiction pieces. If something comes of any of these I’ll post on my blog.

    Enjoy taking some time for mindfulness!

    • Christina Consolino on April 2, 2021 at 7:31 am

      I think these would make for some great writing prompts! You could go anywhere with them. I’ll be checking out your blog to see if you’ve decided to write about any of them. Happy Friday and have a great weekend.

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