Closed Door, Open Door

Today marks my last day as an editor with Literary Mama. I started there in January 2014, after sending them a letter that basically said, “Hire me! I’m enthusiastic.” Of course, I had a few editing credentials to my name, too, but Literary Mama had confidence in me before I had confidence in myself. They…

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Freedom in Writing: An Interview with Rebecca Cuthbert

Award-winning author Rebecca Cuthbert is one of the people I know, but I honestly can’t remember how or when our paths—literal or virtual—crossed! I think that’s the way it goes these days with social media and online writing communities. But how we met doesn’t matter. I’m thrilled to have her on the blog today because…

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Another Year Older

My birthday has come and gone, and here I am, another year older. But am I wiser? That’s a question I like to ask myself. I’m not sure I have an answer though. Of course for me, the answers never come quickly—my mind doesn’t work that way. Even when I taught every day—a subject I…

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Bared by the Writing: An Interview with Ronni Robinson

Author and soon-to-be certified eating disorder recovery coach Ronni Robinson and I connected online over a year ago—about books, of course. Her debut memoir, Out of the Pantry: A Disordered Eating Journey, had been published in July 2020, and like many authors who debuted during the early months of the pandemic, she was looking for…

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Second-Chance Situations: An Interview with Jeff Ross

Author Jeff Ross first contacted me to chat about editing. He’d been referred by a former client (thanks, T.S.!) and wanted to polish up his story, The Burglar, before he republished the book, which is an “entertaining, fun ‘mystery’ . . . that is told from both human and pets points of view.” One reader…

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#ThrowbackThursdayBookstagram: Gone Girl

#ThrowbackThursdayBookstagram is thrilled to feature GONE GIRL by Gillian Flynn. First off, please know that Goodreads has this book standing at 2,723,348 ratings and 142,095 reviews, which means, regardless of your opinion, a lot of people read the book. And that, my friends, is something I like to hear. We can all have differing opinions,…

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At Least a Little While

Here we are, at Wednesday of this week, and so far, I feel like it should be Friday. Actually, it should have been Friday at the end of Monday, but it wasn’t. What a shame. None of the events of the week have been onerous, per se, but because the kids head back to school…

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#ThrowbackThursdayBookstagram: The Poisonwood Bible

#ThrowbackThursdayBookstagram welcomes THE POISONWOOD BIBLE by Barbara Kingsolver! If you follow this series, you’ll know that last week, I talked about how I’m not a “literary” reader or writer. So when someone suggested reading this book, I was wary. I had only one previous encounter with a Kingsolver novel (Prodigal Summer), and though I loved…

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Strong and Fearless: An Interview with Kristin Smith

One of the beautiful benefits of this interview series is that each interview has the power to bring authors and readers together as well as connect me with new-to-me authors. Shortly after I ran an interview with Charissa Weaks, an email arrived in my inbox from author Kristin Smith, a “former Pitch Wars mentor who…

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