Writing Prompt: World Social Media Day

Blogging used to be the first thing I did each day. Putting words on the page, many of them as a way to ease my soul or work through whatever was spinning inside my head. Now, I still write for those reasons, but most of my words end up in a book or essay. That’s…

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Life is an Adventure: An Interview with Ron Lamberson

What is it they say about word-of-mouth referrals? How important they are? I can attest. That’s how  author Ron Lamberson and I “met.” Ron reached out in March 2023 regarding an interview, and he’s been waiting patiently ever since! During that time, he’s been busy writing (among other things) and will be releasing the third…

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Limitless Possibilities: An Interview with Dani Resh

Fantasy is a genre I don’t read a lot of, and I’m continually impressed by authors who take on the challenge. One such person is Michigan author Dani Resh, whose first and second books in her planned trilogy published in 2021 and 2023, respectively, by Warren Publishing. Readers loved the debut, Compass to Vinland, calling…

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