Do the Math!

October has always been a month of reflection for me. A time when the leaves fall, the days become cooler, and the moments in my head spin endlessly as I assess where I am in life and where I’m going and if what I’m doing is working for me. Part of that assessment this year included looking at my Author…

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Always a Teacher

Her name is tucked between those of two friends in the acknowledgment section of my debut novel. If you don’t know to look for it, you might miss it. But I know her name is there. Diane Dougherty and I met only once in person over twenty years ago on one of my first visits…

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Lucky Us

Twenty years ago, only a week and a half after 9/11, I made my way to my first ultrasound. Since this was my first pregnancy, and everything had been progressing as it should, my ultrasound had been scheduled for 19 weeks, almost halfway through the pregnancy. Thanks to the events that occurred earlier in September,…

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Talking to the Animals

When the girls were around six months old (or maybe a bit younger), one of Tim’s fellow graduate students bought them an extra large Pooh Bear. By extra large, I simply mean he outranked them by quite a bit. (Pooh never outweighed them, but he certainly stood taller, since on his back paws, Pooh stands…

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That Season

It’s that season again: twice a day soccer practices. One at six in the morning, the other in the evening. Which means its the season of morning disruptions. My morning disruption. Aaron is old enough to get himself to practice now, but having another human being up early puts me in a mood. A funk,…

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Identity Crisis

One of my personal Gmail accounts has been in existence since January 4, 2005. Since that time, I’ve entered that address when I shop online; I’ve given it to schools, churches, sports teams, and music teachers; it finds its way to contact forms for nonprofits and other organizations I support. And since that time, I’ve…

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Speaking of Dog Days of Summer…

Let me preface this post by saying, MY DOG IS ALIVE AND WELL. Imagine this: your dog has died in your home, and you do nothing about it for several hours. What sort of callous and uncaring person does that? Apparently, I do. Because one morning last week, as I crept past the dog lying…

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Vacation Days

Vacation. She smiled when she said the word out loud. Uttered it again into the breeze, tasting the word as it floated back in her direction. Vacation. So much potential in one eight-letter word. Ice cream. Sand. Taffy. Long walks up the hills and down again. Bullfrogs at the pond. Grilling on the patio and…

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Celebrating Women’s Fiction Day!

UPDATE! Sally S. and Jennifer S. are winners! I’ll contact them via email. Thanks for participating! Welcome to Women’s Fiction Day! In 2019, the Women’s Fiction Writers Association (WFWA) established the day “to celebrate the authors, stories, readers, bookstores, and fans of the women’s fiction genre.” I’m a grateful member of WFWA, and I am…

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Days Like This

Days like this— after a surgical procedure routine for the surgeon but not for you when your belly is swollen and sore and you’re moving slowly slower than you have in years— are good days to speak to your mom. What other person will let you vent the exact way you need to? What other…

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