What’s New? (That Fateful Day)
Father’s Day. 2012. A trip to the grocery store. Me. The man behind me in line. He and I spoke for two minutes before I left the store, headed to my car, and drove away.
I thought about that innocent conversation for the time it took to drive home. And then, before I could even empty the car of its contents, I started writing a book. About the conversation that could have happened. About the plot line that could unfold from that hypothetical conversation. About the conflict a woman could feel when she recognizes that the love she once had might not be the love she wants.
That book became the story of Sadie, Theo, and Andrew. That book took more time to gestate (and birth) than any of my four children. That book deserves to be out in the world.
That book will be published in March 2021.
What? Yes. After eight years of writing, revising, rewriting, editing, writing, more revising, and editing again, the story that began at the local grocery store in Kettering, Ohio, will see the light of day thanks to Black Rose Writing.
And this new website is meant, in part, to celebrate that fact.
Welcome and feel free to poke around.
Image of groceries by Leonie Wise at Unsplash.com.