Sorry, We’re Closed

If there’s one thing I’m really good at, it’s turning inward and shutting people out. The behavior isn’t to punish the other person because I’m holding a grudge—it’s to allow me time to make sense of my surroundings and the information that’s overwhelming me. It’s my thinking time, my time to plan an attack, my time to come to terms with what’s to come or what came before. I don’t remember a time when I didn’t behave this way, and people close to me, like my sisters, now understand that sometimes, I just need to shut the world out.

I’m there today, friends.

More information is to come—though I don’t know when—because another thing I’m really good at is writing as a means of processing my feelings. And this blog has served as a homespun therapist for ages (though I now see a licensed therapist too). So once I come to grips with what’s happening in my world, I’ll let you know.

In the meantime, I’ll be adding the finishing touches to The Weight We Carry (to release in October), proofreading the Business with the Billionaire (to release August 31), and revising The Marriage Debt, another work of women’s fiction that I hope will see the light of day in 2025. I’ll be spending time with my kids (two of whom I don’t see enough of), and watching good television with my husband. And reading books. Books always help because entering someone else’s world means I can close the door on mine for a little while.

Image of closed sign by Tim Mossholder on

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