A Night at the Library

If you look up the word “introvert” in the dictionary, my picture should be there. It’s not. But it should be because I am one of the most introverted people (at least from my perspective). My need to rest and recharge—alone—is so great, I could easily move away from my family for a bit of…

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In-Person Author Event!

A library is a favorite place of mine. The books, the lack of noise (usually), the immense amount of information contained in one vast (or small) space. So much goodness! Which is why I’m thrilled to be invited to speak at Worch Memorial Library in Versailles, Ohio. I’ll be there tomorrow, May 19, 2022, at…

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Family and Friendship: An Interview with Elaine Stock

Being a part of the 2021 Debuts allowed me to connect with several authors releasing books in 2022, including Elaine Stock, who is a fellow member of the Women’s Fiction Writers Association. Elaine “enjoys creating stories showing how all faiths, races, and belief systems are interconnected and need each other,” and her latest book, We…

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Anything Is Possible: An Interview with Nikki Vallance

I’ve said this before, but I’ll say it again: one of the benefits of social media is the capacity for connection, especially with people like author Nikki Vallance. We met online months ago, and her enthusiasm and positivity have somehow crossed the ocean and stuck with me. Nikki’s debut novel, Pivotal, released in 2019 from…

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Contemplating the What If: An Interview with Maggie Giles

Writing groups and communities, whether in person or virtual, are must haves for writers. And author Maggie Giles believes in them wholeheartedly. She’s a member of Scribophile, an online group that helps writers gain feedback and learn about publishing, and the Women’s Fiction Writers Association (WFWA), “a professional, enriching, supportive, and diverse international community for…

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