True love and family can never be forgotten.

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About the Author

Warm cups of coffee, good books, and long runs outside. If I had my way, our days would be filled with nothing but joy. But life usually throws us a few things we’re not quite expecting. And then? It’s how we react that makes the difference . . .

About The Weight We Carry

Helping her parents navigate yet another health crisis, Marissa feels overwhelmed about the unwanted responsibility. But when she takes time to listen and observe, she recognizes that not everything is as it seems for her parents' health. Will they be able to accept what's to come once a diagnosis is made?

What's the best way to tell the man
you used to love that you want to be free
to love someone else?

Insight Comes with Age: An Interview with Jenny Poelman

April 8, 2024

Impulsivity isn’t always a bad thing, and in the case of Key North, author Jenny Poelman‘s main character in The Alphabet Woods, impulsivity leads to some major changes, challenges, and life lessons. The book released in May 2023…

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Listening to the People: An Interview with Meredith Berlin

March 25, 2024

Having read Seventeen magazine back when I was young, I probably stumbled over Meredith Berlin‘s name on the staff list many times, never knowing that someday in the future, our paths would cross with this series! But here…

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Serving as the Family Historian: An Interview with Robert R. Heath Sr.

March 18, 2024

Stories about family are what I write about, so Growing Up Army: The story of a soldier, his loving wife, and their nine adventurous Army Brats traveling the world in service to our country intrigues me. The author,…

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